Salomé Cosmique

Salomé Cosmique is a Colombian artist, educator, and curator currently residing in Philadelphia, PA. She holds a degree in visual arts from the University of Strasbourg, France, and in 2012, earned a National Diploma of Plastic Arts with a concentration in sound arts from the School of Arts of the Rhine (Haut École D'art du Rhin) in Mulhouse, France. Upon finishing her studies, she moved to Puerto Rico, where she participated in several collective and individual exhibitions. She is currently a curator of Dissident Bodies and Dislocada/Dislocated, and works as an educator in several art projects in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. She has exhibited in Europe, the U.S., the Caribbean, South America, and India.
A self-proclaimed activist, Cosmique is interested in the political, social, and healing power of the arts. Being a multidisciplinary artist allows her to express her diverse political, historical, anthropological, and spiritual interests. Since 2012, her performance work has explored issues of colonialism, immigration, women's inequality, and dissident bodies. “I use my body as a vehicle of protest, allowing the public to interact with my body so that they may live the experience and be part of the work itself.” Through her pictorial work, Cosmique seeks to reveal ancestral memories “because if we do not remember our history, we will continue to repeat the same mistakes.”
FB: @salomecosmique